Case Study: Kristen & Frankie

Apr 3, 2017 | Case Studies

Case Study:

“I have a 4yo TB that has thin walls and overall poor quality feet. Any help or product recommendations from Hawthorne would be appreciated.”


Kristen acquired Frankie around the end of August. She contacted us the last part of September 2016. Frankie had been in race training up until mid-June, 2016. His feet were in very poor health and he had lost three glue-on shoes in a one-month time     period. Large chunks of his hoof walls were falling off and he was almost completely lame. He was only being ridden four days a week for twenty minutes at a time, walk trot.

The farrier caring for Frankie did not want to nail his shoes due to the poor condition of his hooves. He said he had thin, weak hoof walls, but didn’t offer any help as to how to fix Frankie’s feet.